Color and Light 2
More Paintings and Blogs by David Marchant
This website is sort of my “Second Coming”. I pressed the wrong command button on the obsolete
website software I was using and as a result I am now unable to update my old website:
That first website of mine is still there, and works fine. On it you can see the paintings I have done previous to 2019, and you can read daily blogs about my life, living surrounded by mountains in British Columbia’s isolated Robson Valley, from 2011 to March of 2019.
Here is a bit of my history which I pasted from first website home page, so you know a bit about me:
Art has been important to me throughout my life, but I always had a problem settling down and concentrating on just one kind of art. I threw myself into music, cartoons, video, and photography. The only painting I had done happened during a painting course at university, and that only lasted as long as the course.
Since the 1960’s, photography has been a consistent part of my life. I sought to capture the rich colors and striking light of the natural world. After decades of taking photos, I realized that, as I was aiming my camera, in the back of my mind I was thinking “This would make a nice subject for a painting”.
In 2005, two years into retirement, another realization came to me; “If I don’t start painting now, I never will”. So I rifled through my wife’s collection of acrylic paints and paper, choose a photo of a cabbage as a subject, and began to paint.
Photography is still deeply important in my art. The reason I take a photo of a particular object is usually either because of the colors that are presented or the effects of subtle or blatant light. I seek to capture those same things in my painting. I can’t improve on what nature creates, so I do representational art and describe my style as ‘segmented realism’. I strive to make my paintings look photographic when viewed from a distance, but from up close one can see it is a grid of individually painted square segments. I generally paint one square of the painting each day.
I was born in 1947 and grew up in Evansville, IN. I immigrated to British Columbia in 1973 and taught in a one room school for 3 years. Joan and I settled in the Robson Valley near McBride, BC in 1977. We live on a small hobby farm nestled beside the Canadian Rocky Mountains. I spend an average of 2-3 hours a day as a painter striving to be an artist.
I am largely self-taught. Throughout my education I took art courses whenever I
could. I graduated from the University of Evansville, in 1969, where my BA degree was in
Elementary Education, but I did managed to take a painting and a drawing class. Since I began painting
in 2005, I have entered 3 paintings in the Central Interior Regional Art Councils annual juried “ArtFest”
show, and have had all my submitted paintings chosen for the tour of interior BC communities. I have
paintings for sale in the Whistlestop Gallery
in McBride.
I try to take a photo everyday of something interesting about living in the mountains of central B.C. and you can read it by pressing “Blog” on the banner at the top of this page. I also post the same blog at:
and if you don’t see it here for a week, it could be that my old none-supported software has finally failed me and you might still be able to read it on blogspot.